Saturday 16 April 2011

Photojournalist Talk By Former REUTER photographer

Since now i'm medical leave and cannot perform hard job, so pegi la kelas, belajar wpun kdg2 photography ni dah agak muak dlm hidup aku....tapi sbb ilmu....tapi bak kata pepatah "Belajar lah hingga ke negara China" Nape china????...hahaha...
What can i say for this class is VERY GOOD!!. Inspired talk by Abg Jenal..Photography is not about your equipment but is about your photo.
Isi-isi penting
1) Master on your camera function (Baca manual and rebus terus minum)
2) Creative Frame (Use basic camera) RO3, lining, Manage DOF
3) Background and Foreground
4) Master on your Lenses function, Wide lense for what, tele lense for what (Recomended lense for photo journalist 1 wide lenses 16-35 f2.8 L and 70-200 f2.8L) both lenses cost about 7k + 6k = makan pasir :) tp 70-200 tu aku dah ada TAPI klo x de pon x pe, guna lense yg kita mampu
5) Creative lighting
6) If you shoot sport jangan suka berborak
7) Story behind the photo, mesti kena ada
8) Creative cropping

Berborak sambil test Mark IIII. Mcm meshingan

talk by him
with abg jenal

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