Sunday 3 April 2011

Hari ini

Today my 2nd day on mc at kerteh, bgn pagi mcm biasa terus mndi pstu jln2 with my gegels kat luar umah. We plan to sent sarah to taska today, ibu hntr and i will monitor kat sekolah tu

Mula2 sarah enjoy jee, after duscuss with cikgu,sy terus blik

Masak nasi grg for breakfast and lepak nengok tv n call klinik rantau to set appointment time for fisio, yeah 2.30 pm ni

Td nengok kakak kat sekolah sbb ibu call cikgu ckp dia x nk mndi. Td mmg dia unhappy and ajak blik. Aku layan jeee after mmdikn dia pasang aicond, buat susu pasang chanel kartoon, she sleeping now

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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