Thursday 14 April 2011

Masuk Ofis

Wpun still in MC, ada report nak kena submit to our collauge at KLCC i have to assist my buddy Sally to betolkan report yg aku submit before. Bukannnye report ku salah BUT they add additional info that we have submitted before, apa daaa dia org ni..Personally I think the report is very giler tahap gaban, if you not familiar the term , mmg kompem you cannot do. TQ Sally to help me for this task..nnt aku blanja nasi lemak kerang...hikhik

Routine hidup ku in MC ni, gi fisio, balik g lunch, ptg tidooo...hahaha...mcm mn la nak elak tido petang far masa zaman student to jeee aku kuat tido petang if tak de kelas...tido petang paling syok adalah tido after balik solat jumaat....PERGH!!! mmg nikmat...that why as can as possible aku adjust kelas aku free after solat jumaat..So far seingat nyeee....out of 6 semester only 1 and 2 semester aku nye kelas petang jumaat tu pon kelas TITAS...mmg x leh nak elak..tu pon selalu je aku ponteng tapi when the lecture perasan attandence is very bad, dia buat x dtg kelas x leh seat exam...adoi...tapi kan masa 1st sem tu agak rajin g kelas TITAS tu sebab utamanyeee nak ngurat awek medic....hahahaa....kelas TITAS ku campur budak2 medic...tapi mmg awek2 medic ni tak nak ngorat aku...hahaha

Lutut dah semakin OK...jalan masih tempang, masih bengkak, tak leh bengkok lutut, insyallah week ke 4 ni...bengkak tu hilang....AMIN.....

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