Tuesday, 8 June 2010

All about fb

Aku benci if fb user
1. Every time update status is at bb shoping, at jb, at hotel having dinner with husband
rasa di org mcm Ada perasaan mcm nk menunjuk2.I head this type of person
2. Those yg suka luahkan perasaan lebey2..umur dah senja but status mcm buat x baligh lg...hampeh
3. Org suka tag2 gmbo mende2 kat wall aku. Recently since aku folo 1 team photographer ni shoot model, everytime dia tag gmbr model Seksi kAt wall aku. Di ingat aku sangap sgggt agaknyee. Keje aku meremove tag2 tu jee... Hampeh

Gen X & Gen Y

I'm not so sure I at which group but some time really cannot work with this generation expecially.those talk so much but cannot perform the job....bak kata pepatah melayu....mat sembang lebey...
Should I nasihat....mcm x patut...layan je laaaaaa

stupid mind by some of people here

I dunnot know why, some of this type of person very busy to culculate and predict certain aMount that not in his job scope. Wat pe la hang nak sebuk2 kira2...baik wat kje tu...ni buat table meeting, predict, assume, tp hasilnyeeee....hampeh x btol...
A Person lead the diskusi adalah person yg x sepatutnye join gang2 mmg mindset dia duit all all time...tp keje tAk sure lAa...there are reAlly performer or kipas bungA.....ni keje x seberapa dah pk nak semua ni..

Based on my observation keje x bagus mana tp bab2 duit ni...pergh elert giler...that why sometime I really not fell cofortable working with this Grp of people...mkn cite bnda tu..jumpa at Ofis hour pon story the same thing ...

Come on brother .... Please be professionalism...dont toooo kolot...